Eleven Puzzles - genesis
The story of Eleven Puzzles is simple. Six friends, who love games and puzzles that decided to create an online escape room that will challenge, excite and entertain all who play.
Have you ever spent your hard earned money on an escape room that promises excitement and fun, only to be disappointed? Well, unfortunately, that has happened to us several times too. We have tried many actual escape rooms in Scotland and Poland as well as several online ones and found that many didn’t deliver quite what they promised. Sometimes the escape rooms we tried were challenging but they looked boring and lacked excitement. While other times it was more about the appearance of the game whilst the quality of the puzzles left a lot to be desired. We wanted to create something that would strike a balance, a game which would look fun and intriguing but also offer players a real challenge.
It’s up to you to judge if we have succeeded! Be sure to let us know what you think and hopefully, what you liked the most about the game?