Unboxing the Cryptic Killer - Patch 1.0.5

Unboxing the Cryptic Killer - Patch 1.0.5

Blog29 April, 2023

Puzzle Updates:

  • Enhanced label in Police Reports file
  • Improved button label in the final level
  • Resolved visual glitch on paper in the first location
  • Refined labels in true/false puzzle
  • Strengthened shape hint in badge puzzle
  • Extra clue added to Cryptex puzzle
  • Increased prominence of paper in animal puzzle

Bug Fixes:

  • Resolved issue with achievements not registering for certain players
  • Removed redundant sound effect when revisiting the initial location
  • Fixed background blur issue when returning to the starting location
  • Adjusted volume for sounds in the animal device puzzle
  • Fixed item state transfer bug when launching from a specific level

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